Saturday, August 18, 2012

My Adventures at NSI: Day One

Yesterday was my first day on campus for the fall semester at SNU, and our New Student Institution, NSI. Leading up to this event I was very nervous and anxious. I am the kind of personality that enjoys knowing what is around the corner, all the time. Don't get me wrong - I love surprises, I just like knowing that they're coming. Therefore, I was a little bit concerned about the scheduling of the event.

Anyway, yesterday started off with breakfast at Grandpa and Grandma's house in Choctaw, Oklahoma. Around one o'clock my parents and two of my sisters headed over to the SNU campus in Bethany, OK, which is roughly a 35 minute drive. When we arrived I registered and then proceeded to pick up my pre-purchased laptop. Following that my parents, sisters and I walked around the University Fair for a while and looked at all of the booths.

After spending a little while on campus we headed over to the house of my cousin "Aunt" Ellene and her husband Jimmy Howell's house to get my stuff settled in their room. "Aunt" Ellene and "Uncle" Jimmy have been so gracious to offer me a room at their home, which is very close to the campus. It is an incredible blessing and opportunity!

A couple of hours later we had my entire room set up and we were ready to head back to Grandpa and Grandma's house to drop off Morelle and Elsie. Dad, Mom and I then headed back to the campus for an evening on events.

NSI had provided a evening of events including a meal for the parents, a mini session, and a panel discussion. While the parents attended their events, the students shared a picnic on the lawn with their family groups. Following dinner, I participated in icebreaker discussions, introductions, games, songs, and the Lamp of Learning ceremony. All in all I can say that I really enjoyed my first day of NSI and I am excited to begin the next one. Please keep me in your prayers as I continue to meet new people and experience new adventures.

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