Thursday, September 27, 2012

An Update From SNU: Cora Cummins

I'm sorry it has been a while since I last posted an update. A lot has happened since then and I will do my best to fill you in. Classes are going well. To say the least, some of them have been challenging but that's a good thing, right? My yearbook practicum has been keeping me busy going to events and taking photos. This has really helped me put myself out there and assisted in helping me make friends. This week alone I will be covering to events and taking photos while I'm there! Oh, by the way, I got an official mailbox on campus! I am so excited!! If you are interested in writing me my address is: 

SNU Box 2578
6612 NW. 42nd St.
Bethany, OK 73008

Even though things are sailing smoothly academically, I would greatly appreciate your prayers. This last week has been difficult for me physically. Several times my heart has started racing and beating abnormally which is rather scary. The hardest part though is not knowing for sure why. Unfortunately, it is difficult to time these 'episodes' and I don't know how to react when they happen. Thursday morning I went in to have an EKG done however, the nurse asked me to come back at 2 pm when the Dr. was in so that they could do a second EKG, compare the two, and form a conclusion. When I went back in the nurse took some of my blood for testing and analyses. Friday when I went back in they indicated that they saw nothing of concern in my blood and that it was normal. However, they also expressed that they thought I should have a 24-hour heart monitor to try and 'catch' one of my 'episodes' for analyzing. All-in-all though, at this point they are fairly certain that I have been having anxiety/panic attacks. However, that has yet to be official diagnosed. 

If you are unfamiliar with the symptoms and causes of anxiety attacks the following may be helpful for you. "Anxiety Attack - an acute, psychobiologic reaction manifested by intense anxiety and panic. Symptoms include palpitations, shortness of breath, dizziness, faintness, profuse diaphoresis, pallor of the face and extremities, GI discomfort, and an intense feeling of imminent doom or death. Attacks usually occur suddenly, last from a few seconds to an hour or longer, and vary in frequency from several times a day to once a month." Anxiety attacks are normally causes when an individual is undergoing a lot of stress or anxiety due to change or a compilation of previous stressful situations.

Although there are several ways to handle these attacks, in my case, the nurse has recommended counselling to try and help me talk through things that could potentially be causing me to have attacks. Please pray for me as I continue my semester at SNU. I would appreciate your prayers for me physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. These last few weeks have been extremely draining and I know that staying close to the Lord is the only thing that has brought me through. 

Thank you so much for all of your support. Blessings,

Cora Cummins