Friday, August 24, 2012

Week One of Class

Well, I've done it! I have completed my very first 'week' of class at Southern Nazarene University. Technically I have only attended three days of class because our semester only began on Wednesday.
All of this aside though, I would like to give you a glimmer of what my experience at SNU has been like so far. Wednesday, day one, was perhaps one of the most exciting and invigorating days I have experienced so far.

It started off with the sound of my alarm ringing. I snoozed for a few moments before "rolling" out of bed. Breakfast was quick and then off to campus. I scoped out my first classroom - Herrick 228 and then found a comfortable bench to sit on and wait. At 9:00 my Vietnam War Film and Literature class began. Primarily my Professor talked through the syllabus but we also had some moments to talk and share about ourselves.

At 11:00 my Interviewing Techniques began in the same classroom as my previous class, Herrick 228. The format for that was fairly similar to my Vietnam course. My Professor talked for a while about the syllabus, her expectations, and the assignments to come. We ended class with a neat "get-to-know-each-other-game". Then I was off to English Grammar on the next floor up in room 321.

After English Grammar finished I headed across the lawn to the Fine Arts building. Upon my arrival I was informed that Choir would not be meeting due to extended auditions. However, we would commence class on Friday at 1:00.

Thursday began similarly to Wednesday had. However, instead of a class first off I had Chapel. Now for some students on campus, Chapel is a boring waste of time. For me though, it is an opportunity to slow down twice a week and really hear God speak. It can be so challenging to find devotion with the Lord in the middle of a busy schedule. Therefore, I find the time designated for Chapel to be both helpful and refreshing.

When Chapel was over I headed downstairs to my Persuasion class. That time-period followed much the same format as my other course - devotion, introductions, going through the syllabus, and a wrap up time. When class was finished I made my way back to my room to eat lunch and study. Although I knew the amount of homework I had I was a little bit surprised at how long it took me to get through it all. To sum that up let's just say I slept very well on Thursday night.

Friday morning was primarily a repeat of Wednesday. The major difference was that instead of focusing on the syllabus, we looked more in the content of out text and used that to launch discussions.
After my third class of the morning, English Grammar, I walked over the the Fine Arts building for Choir practice. Our first meeting was primarily covering the basics: proper breathing, correct pronunciation, warm-ups etc. Overall I really enjoyed it and am eagerly looking forward to meeting again on Monday.

I would greatly appreciate your prayers as I continue to study and learn at Southern Nazarene. Please pray that I will be able to find a good balance between studying, sleeping, class time and eating. Thank you in advance!

Saturday, August 18, 2012

My Adventures at NSI: Day One

Yesterday was my first day on campus for the fall semester at SNU, and our New Student Institution, NSI. Leading up to this event I was very nervous and anxious. I am the kind of personality that enjoys knowing what is around the corner, all the time. Don't get me wrong - I love surprises, I just like knowing that they're coming. Therefore, I was a little bit concerned about the scheduling of the event.

Anyway, yesterday started off with breakfast at Grandpa and Grandma's house in Choctaw, Oklahoma. Around one o'clock my parents and two of my sisters headed over to the SNU campus in Bethany, OK, which is roughly a 35 minute drive. When we arrived I registered and then proceeded to pick up my pre-purchased laptop. Following that my parents, sisters and I walked around the University Fair for a while and looked at all of the booths.

After spending a little while on campus we headed over to the house of my cousin "Aunt" Ellene and her husband Jimmy Howell's house to get my stuff settled in their room. "Aunt" Ellene and "Uncle" Jimmy have been so gracious to offer me a room at their home, which is very close to the campus. It is an incredible blessing and opportunity!

A couple of hours later we had my entire room set up and we were ready to head back to Grandpa and Grandma's house to drop off Morelle and Elsie. Dad, Mom and I then headed back to the campus for an evening on events.

NSI had provided a evening of events including a meal for the parents, a mini session, and a panel discussion. While the parents attended their events, the students shared a picnic on the lawn with their family groups. Following dinner, I participated in icebreaker discussions, introductions, games, songs, and the Lamp of Learning ceremony. All in all I can say that I really enjoyed my first day of NSI and I am excited to begin the next one. Please keep me in your prayers as I continue to meet new people and experience new adventures.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

God's Promise For My Life - Jeremiah 29:11

As the days till I leave for school grow fewer and fewer I begin to reflect more and more on all the things in my life that will change, both for the better and for the worse. I have questioned many times whether or not going off to school is the right choice. However, after racking my brain and questioning my decisions I always think back to the day my parents and I made the ultimate choice and the verse that has encouraged me through it all - Jeremiah 29:11, where God says, "For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." This verse reminds me of God's promise and helps me to strongly believe that at present, Southern Nazarene University is the future that God has for me. It also helps me to remember that God will never lead me or forsake me. Please pray for me as I continue to make this transition.