Saturday, November 26, 2011

So Much To Be Thankful For

As you know this last Thursday was Thanksgiving, a day on which we are reminded to be thankful for all that we have. A tradition of my family's is to go around the table and say one thing that we are thankful for. Most years I say something generic like friends, family or even food but this year when it was my turn I was completely honest, SLEEP! This school semester has been extremely tiring for me. Every morning when I wake up I long for the moment when I can crawl back into bed and curl up under my warm, cozy comforters.

 However, as the weekend rolled on I began to reflect more and more on what I have and all that I should be grateful for. There are so many people in the world and in the United States that spent thanksgiving without a warm house, good food or friends and family to be with. We are such a blessed people.

This year my family decided to stay home and share the weekend together, relaxing! On Wednesday night our dear friend Lori Wilkerson drove down to visit and share the weekend with us. We were so excited!! We spent Thursday and Friday playing games, watching movies, shopping, eating, taking pictures and hanging out. We had so much fun!!

Below I have included some of the pictures that Elsie took at our photo shoot!!

1 comment:

  1. You're so beautiful, Cora! I bet that photo shoot was a lot of fun(not to mention your whole weekend). C:
